Jumat, 14 Oktober 2011


KELAS      : XI IPA 1
NO             : 18

Jumat, 12 Agustus 2011


Jaringan komputer 
Dapat diartikan sebagai sebuah rangkaian dua atau lebih komputer. Komputer-komputer ini akan dihubungkan satu sama lain dengan sebuah sistem komunikasi. Dengan jaringan komputer ini dimungkinkan bagi setiap komputer yang terjaring di dalamnya dapat saling tukar-menukar dataprogram, dan sumber daya komputer lainnya seperti media penyimpananprinter, dan lain-lain. Jaringan komputer yang menghubungkan komputer-komputer yang berada pada lokasi berbeda dapat juga dimanfaatkan untuk mengirim surat elektronik (e-mail), mengirim file data (upload) dan mengambil file data dari tempat lain (download), dan berbagai kegiatan akses informasi pada lokasi yang terpisah.

Rabu, 11 Mei 2011

tangga - utuh :)

Semakin ku ingkari, semakin ku mengerti
Hidup ini tak lengkap tanpamu
Aku mengaku bisa tapi hati tak bisa
Sesungguhnya ku berpura-pura
Relakan kau pilih cinta yang kau mau
Sesungguhnya ku tak pernah rela
Karena ku yang bisa membuat hatimu utuh

Rabu, 29 Desember 2010

rihanna - who's that chick

feel the adrenaline moving under my skin 
it’s an addiction such an eruption 
sound is my remedy feeding me energy 
music is all i need. 

baby, i just wanna dance 
i don’t really care i just wanna dance 
i don’t really care… care… care (feel it in the air… yeah) 

Rabu, 22 Desember 2010

Ne-yo I'm In Love

no tears, no tears no more done cryin’ now
no pain no pain, said i found another way
no games, not like before now up here on this cloud
no time for yesterday, now let me explain
got a new woman, lovin me in every way that she can,
all she wanna be is part of my life,
save to say that im in a better way, better way hey
got a new woman loves to walk around just holdin my hand
cupid must have found us now i like that
lovin this woman
does anybody understand
that i’m in love (love love)
and i think i found the real thing (real love)
gotta love to make ur heart say(lovelove)
you got me singin’ lalalalala
that i’m in love (love love)
and i think i found the real thing (real love)
gotta love to make ur heart say(lovelove)
you got me singin’ lalalalalalalala
no stress, no fuss, no fight when i’m in her arms
no time no day no night (no nothin better noo)
so much more than okay, life is made of this
no her, no me , no way
now let me explain
got a new woman, lovin me in all every way
that she can, all she wanna be is
part of my life, save to say that im in a better way
better way
got a new woman loves to walk around just holdin my hand
cupid must have found us now i like that
lovin this woman
does anybody understand
that i’m in love (love love)
and i think i found the real thing (real love)
gotta love to make ur heart say(lovelove)
you got me singin’ lalalalala
that i’m in love (love love)
and i think i found the real thing (real love)
gotta love to make ur heart say(lovelove)
you got me singin’ lalalalalalala
i want the whole damn world to know
show is love when grow
carry the message, far as it can go
man i’m in love
sometime my way is close
there’s nothin i can’t hold back this feelin
true lovin’ is were dealin baby
i i i i’m in love i i i i’m in love
does anybody understand i’m in love
and i think i found the real thing (real love)
gotta love to make ur heart say(lovelove)
you got me singin’ lalalalalala
i’m in love
and i think i found the real thing (real love)
gotta love to make ur heart say(lovelove)
you got me singin’ lalalalalalala
lalalalala i’m in love

Senin, 08 November 2010

i'm 15th years old :)
ak ditodong sm ank2 buat traktiran --"
ya inilah qt .. dimanapun dan kapanpun tetep NARSIS :D